Thursday 28 April 2011

Valuable homoeopathic books

Bibliothèque en ligne

ALLEN, Henry Clay
          Keynotes (English)
          Key-notes trad. par le Dr R. Séror (Français)  ALLEN, Timothy Field           Allen's Clinical Hints (English)
The Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia Medica (English)
          A primer of Materia Medica
ANSHUTZ, Edward Pollock
          New, Old And Forgotten Remedies (English)

          First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homœopathic Remedies (English)
BAUR, Jacques
          Cahiers du Groupement Hahnemannien 29ème série - 1992 (Français)
BIDWELL, Glen Irving
          How to use the repertory
          Historic sketch of the monument erected in Washington City (English)
BOENNINGHAUSEN, Clemens Maria Franz Von
          Boenninghausen's Characteristics Materia Medica (English) par le Dr C.M. Boger
Repertory (English)
          Le répertoire Médical (Français)

          Homoeopathic Materia Medica (English)
BOGER, Cyrus Maxwell
          La Science et l'Art de Guérir Trad. Groupe Mercurius (Français)
          Studies in the Philosophy of Healing (English)
General Analysis (English)
          General Analysis & Card index repertory (Français & English & Italien)
          Boenninghausen's Characteristics Materia Medica (English)
          Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica (English)

          Homéopathie en Kinésiologie (Français)
CAZALET, Sylvain
          Articles on Homeopathy (Français & English)
          The history of the London Homoeopathic Hospital (English)
          American Homeopathy in the World War (English)           Homeopathic remedies: An illustrated guide (Français & English)
C. G. H.
          Cahiers du Groupement Hahnemannien 29ème série - 1992 (Français)
CLARKE, John Henry
          A Dictionnary of Practical Materia Medica
          Gunpowder as a War Remedy (English)
          Hahnemann and Paracelsus (English)
          Constitutional medicine (English)
          Homoeopathy explained (English)
          Cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery (English) CLOSE, Stuart M.
          The Genius of Homeopathy (English)

CURIE, Paul F.
          Practice of Homoeopathy (English)
DAUCOURT, Valentin
          Une histoire de la médecine (Français)
DAYRAUD, Valérie
          Biographies (English & Italian & Deutsch & Français)
DEARBORN, Frederick M.
          American Homeopathy in the World War (English)

          Recueil des publications : 71 articles (Français)
DYNAMIS, Ecole et Groupe
          Articles homéopathiques (Français)
E.H.H.D.S. - Ecole d'Homéopathie Hahnemannienne Dauphiné Savoie
          Recueil N° 26 - Homéopathie à Grenoble - Novembre 98 (Français)
          Site d'articles homéopathiques (Français)
          Les remèdes psychiatriques par le Dr Jean-Pierre Gallavardin (Français)
          The history of the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital (English)
DEWEY, Willis Alonzo
          Essentials of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Pharmacy
(English) GEBAUER, Gabriel Hernán
          Es la llamada "Ley de los semejantes" una ley científica? (Español)
          Una nueva teoria acerca de las ‘Diluciones homeopaticas’
          La homeopatía, las enzimas y la información
          Investigación acerca del concepto de "Miasma Crónico (Español)

GUERNSEY, Henry Newell
          Key-notes to the Materia Medica (English)
Organon der Heilkunst, 6. Auflage (Deutsch)           Organon (English)
          Chronic Diseases (English)
          Pathogénésies réalisées par le Dr Samuel Hahnemann (Français)
HERING, Constantine
         The Guiding Symptoms by C. Hering (English)
          Photothèque (Français & English)
          500 articles

          Homéopathie, la médecine de mes semblables
HUI BON HOA, Jacques
          Recueil des publications (Français)
          700 red lines symptoms Trad. par le Dr R. Séror (Français)
          Seven-hundred red line symptoms (English)
JONES, Stacy
          The Mnemonic Similiad (English)
JULIAN, Othon André
          Pathogénésies du Dr O. A. Julian (Français)
KENT, James Tyler
          Kent's Repertory (English)
          Kent's Materia Medica (Reversed Kent's Repertory) (English)
          Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica (English)
          New Remedies (English)
          Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy (English)
          Clinical Cases (English)
          Lesser Writings (English)
KOTOK, Alexander           The history of homeopathy in Russian Empire (English)
          L'œuvre de Samuel Hahnemann: Étude de publications et  de ses journaux de malades. (Français)

LIPPE, Adolph Von
          Keynotes of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica (English)
          El ejercicio médico dela homeopatía en España a finales del siglo XX (Español)
          La Science et l'Art de Guérir de C. M. Boger (trad. Française)

          Articles on homeopathy (English)
          The History of the London Homoeopathic Hospital (English)
          The history of the Glasgow Homoeopathic Hospital (English)           British Homeopathy during two centuries (English)
NASH, Eugène Beauharnais
          Cent témoignages cliniques trad. par le Dr R. Séror (Français)
          Regional Leaders (English)           Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics (English)           The testimony of the clinic (English)
          Leaders in Typhoid Fever (English) PATERSON, John
          The Bowel Nosodes (English)
RASACHAK, Bouachanh
          Répertoire d'homéopathie tropicale - B. Rasachak & P. Souk-Aloun (Français)
ROBERTS, Herbert Alfred
          The principles and Art of Cure by Homœopathy (English)
SÉRET, Michel
          Photographies du Dr Michel Séret (Français & English)
SEROR, Robert
          La M. M. Homéopathique Synthétique (Français)
          Répertoire des suppressions en Homéopathie (Français)
          Répertoire homéopathique et clinique dentaire (Français)
          Les 13 remèdes du Dr J. H. Clarke (Français & English)
          Key Notes au fort degré vérifiés cliniquement ou la recherche du diagnostic intuitif (Français)
          Biographies (Français)
Site du Docteur Robert Séror (Français & English)
SOUK-ALOUN, Phou ngeun
          Homéopathie, règles de prescription et méthodologie expérimentale (Français & English)
          L'Homéopathie et le Bouddhisme (Français) (en cours de réalisation)
          Répertoire d'homéopathie tropicale - B. Rasachak & P. Souk-Aloun (Français)
TALCOTT, Selden Haines
          Mental diseases and their modern treatment (English)           Matière Médicale Homéopathique et Psychiatrique (Français)
THOURET, Georges
Samuel Hahnemann, sa vie, ses idées (Français) VILLENEUVE, Eugène De
Histoire de l'Hôpital Homéopathique Saint-Luc de Lyon (Français)
WOODS, H. Fergie
          Répertoire du Dr H. Fergie Woods Trad. par le Dr R. Séror (Français)


Synonym: Red Coral

prover name: Attomyr and Melicher


Red Coral contains calcium carbonate and iron oxide. It affects mucus membranes especially of respiratory organs.  The proving of coral develops much coryza and epistaxis, and even ulceration within the nostrils. It is to be thought of for whooping and spasmodic coughs, especially when the attack comes on with a very rapid cough, and the attacks follow so closely as to almost run into each other. Often preceded by sensation of smothering, followed by exhaustion. Congestion of face after dinner. Patient becomes purple in face. Violent parosyms of cough with bleeding from mouth and nose. Feeling as if cold air were streaming through skull and air-passages. One is too cold when uncovered and too hot when covered; relieved by artificial heat.

  • Peevish inclined to scold and swear at his pains.

  • Feels very large; violent pain as if parietal bones were forced apart;
  • Headache with severe pain in back of the eyeballs < inhaling cold air.
  • Pain aggravated by breathing cold air through nose.
  • Worse stooping.
  • Eyes hot and painful.
  • As if forehead were flattened.
  • Head feels large empty hollow.
  • As if cold air were blowing through when head is moved quietly or shaken.
  • Hot and painful; bathed in tears on closing.

  • Odors of smoke, onions, etc.
  • Painful ulcer in nostrils.
  • Post-nasal catarrh.
  • Profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares;
  • Air feels cold.
  • Dry coryza; nose stopped up and ulcerated.
  • Epistaxis.
  • Causing frequent hawking.
  • Air feels cold.

  • Grows purple and black with cough.

  • Food tastes like sawdust.
  • Bread tastes like straw.
  • Beer tastes sweet.
  • Pain in articulation of left lower jaw.
  • Craves salt.

  • Hawking of profuse mucus.
  • Throat very sensitive, especially to air.
  • Profuse, nasal catarrh.
  • Inspired air feels cold. [Cistus.]
  • Profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares.
  • Almost continuous paroxysms of violent Dry, spasmodic, suffocative cough; very rapid cough, spasmodic cough; which begins with gasping for breath and accompanied by purple face and followed by vomiting of stringy mucus and by exhaustion.
  • Cough with great sensitiveness of air-passages; feel cold on deep inspiration.
  • Continuous hysterical cough.
  • Feels suffocated and greatly exhausted after whooping-cough.
  • Reverberating minute-gun cough.
  • Cough as soon as he eats.
  • Continuous hysterical cough; or cough when the patient gives an isolated cough at regular intervals throughout the whole day.
  • Air passages feel cold on deep inspiration.

  • Very red flat venereal ulcers on glans and under surface of prepuce.
  • Psoriasis of palms and soles.
  • Smooth spots of Coral-colored, then dark red spots, changing to copper-colored spots.

  • Sleeps with head under cover.

  • Ulcers on glans and inner prepuce, with yellow ichor.
  • Emissions and weakened sexual power.
  • Profuse perspiration of genitals.

  • Worse; inhaling air; change of air; eating; towards morning.

  • Complementary: Sulph.
  • Compare: Bellad.; Droser.; Mephit.; Caust.

  • Third to thirtieth attenuation.



Synonym: Amanita muscaria, bug or fly agric

Kingdom: Fungi

Subphylum: Agaricomycotina

Class: Agaricomycetes

Order: Agaricales

Family: Agaricaceae

Genus: Agaricus

Botanical name: amanita muscarius L


Medicinal name: Agaricus muscarius

  • Agaricus is a large and important genus of mushrooms containing both edible and poisonous species
  • Pileus: 7-13cm broadglobose at first, then dumble in shape, convex. The surface of the cap is covered with white floccose scales.
  • The stem is white, often yellowish with age, pithy and often hollow.

Ocimum sanctum

ocimum sanctum1
Synonyms: tulsi, Tulasi, Holy Basil, Kemangen.
Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Lamiales

Family: Lamiaceae

Genus: Ocimum

Species: O. tenuiflorum

Botanical name: Ocimum tenuiflorum L.

Medicinal name: Ocimum sanctum
ocimum sanctum

Parts used: whole plants excluding roots.

Habitat: The plant grows all over India

• Holy Basil is a tropical, much branched, annual herb
• Height 2to 4 feet.
• Hairy stems and simple opposite green leaves.
• Leaves 2-5cm, long, oblong or elliptic oblong, hairy on both surace
• It is cultivated for religious and medicinal purposes

Wednesday 27 April 2011


Synonym: Indian Nettle, Indian Acalypha, three-seeded mercury

Prover name: Dr. P.C. Mazumder of Calcutta

Guiding symptoms:
  • Acalypha indica is an infalliable remedy for haemorrages especially haemoptysis in our Materia medica.
  • A drug having a marked action on the alimentary canal and respiratory organs.
  • It is indicated in incipient phthisis, with bard, racking cough, bloody expectoration, arterial haemorrhage, but no febrile disturbance.
  • Very weak in the morning, gains strength during day.
  • Progressive emaciation.
  • Morning aggravation.


Respiratory symptoms:
  • Acalypha indica is employed in the beginning of phthisis associated with hard, dry and severe cough followed by bloody expectoration.
  • Expectoration of pure bright red and not profuse blood comes on in morning and dark clotted in afternoon.
  • Cough most violent at night.
  • There is dullness of chest percussion and severe pain in chest with progressive emaciation.
  • Constant and severe pain in chest.
  • Night sweet and evening rise of temperature.
  • Pulse soft and compressible.
  • Burning in pharynx, esophagus, and stomach.
  • It is indicated in incipient phthisis with hard, racking cough, bloody expectoration, arterial hemorrhage but no febrile disturbance
  • Worse in morning and at night.

Gastrointestinal symptom:
  • Burning in intestines.
  • Sensation of weight in stomach.
  • Spluttering diarrhoea with forcible expulsion of noisy flatus, bearing down
  • Pains and tenesmus.
  • Rumbling distention, and griping pain in abdomen.
  • Rectal haemorrhage; worse in morning.

Skin of Acalypha:
  • Jaundice.
  • Itching and circumscribed furuncle-like swellings.

  • Worse; in morning.

  • Compare: Millefol; Phosphor; Acetic acid; Kali nit.

  • Third to sixth potency.

Acalypha indica

Synonym: Muktajhuri, Swetbasanta, Indian Nettle, Indian Acalypha, three-seeded mercury
acalypha indica
 Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Malpighiales

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Genus: Acalypha

Species: A. indica

Botanical name: Acalypha indica L.

Medicinal name: Acalypha indica

Parts: Plant, Leaf, Root

Habitat: tropical Africa and South Africa, in India and Sri Lanka, as well as in Yemen and Pakistan.

  • One simple herb that is used for treating diseases
  • The leaves are serrated at edges and look deep green oval to round in shape.
  • The root spreads wide and do not go deep which makes it easy to pull it out.
  • Weed grows fast after rains and finishes its lifecycle before the hot April and May.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Natural history of disease

  • The term natural history of disease signifies the way in which a disease evolves over time from the earliest stage of its prepathogenesis phase to its termination as recovery, disability or death, in absence of treatment of presentation.
  • Each disease has its own its own unique natural history which is not necessarily the same in all individuals . However the natural history of disease comprises two phases-
  1. prepathogenesis phase: This is the period preliminary to the onset of disease in man. Agent, host and environment-this three factors interact during this phase and disease occurs.
  2. pathogenesis phase: It begins with the entry of the disease agent in the human host. Usually there may be incubation period between the entry of the disease agent and onset of clinical sign and symptoms.

    Sources of disease agent

    • Living source:
      1. Human being e.g. patient, carrer etc.
      2. Animals, e.g. all kinds of birds, insects etc.
      3. Plant kingdom

    • Non living source:
    All the inanimate objects in the environment may be the source of cause of disease, such as-
      1. Foods and drink
      2. Vehicles of food

    Friday 22 April 2011


    What are Lungs?
    The Lungs are paired organs in the chest that perform respiration. Each human has two lungs. Each lung is between 10 and 12 inches long. The two lungs are separated by a structure called the mediastinum. The mediastinum contains the heart, trachea, esophagus, and blood vessels. The lungs are covered by a protective membrane called the pulmonary pleura.
    Lung function normally peaks in the late teens and early twenties. After the early twenties, lung function declines about 1 percent a year over the rest of a person's lifetime. Lung function decreases about 2 percent a year for people who more

    Thursday 21 April 2011


    Rumex is primarily a cough remedy though the key note symptom has aggravation from uncovering or undressing has led to prescription and digestive complains as well.

    Synonym: Curly Dock, Yellow Dock, Sour Dock, Narrow Dock

    Source: Rumex is common British weed. It belongs to the natural order of polygonacae.
    Preparation: Mother tincture is prepared from fresh roots.

    Proved by: Dr. H.A. Hougton, student of Hahnemann medical college,Philadelphia, in 1852; Dr.B.F. Joslin in 1852

    Habitat: Fields, roadsides, railroads, waste ground, disturbed sites.

    • Extremely sensitive to cold air and even to open air.
    • Catarrhal headache with great irritation of the larynx and trachea, clavicular pain and soreness behind sternum.
    • Influenza with violent catarrh, followed by bronchitis.
    • Sensation of a lump in the throat, not relieved by hawking or swallowing, it descends on deglutition, but immediately returns"; this is also a strong feature in Lachesis.


       It suits to both acute and chronic catarrhal states.
    • Nose obstructed; dry sensation even in posterior nares.
    • Often coryza starts owith a marked dryness in the posterior nares.
    • Violent sneezing, with fluent coryza is a frequent occurrence.
    • Copious mucous discharge from nose and trachea.
    • Epistaxis, violent sneezing and painful irritation of nostrils.
      • Aggravation: In the evening, at night and from cold air.
      • Amelioration: By warmth and covering.

    • Causation: Exposure to cold air.
    • Location: lower lobe of left lung is generally affected.
    • Sensation:
      • Rawness of larynx and trachea. Soreness behind sternum, especially left side, in region of left shoulder. Raw pain under clavicle.
      • Tickling sensation in throat pit with rawness.
      • Sensation of lump in throat descends on swallowing but returns immediately.
    • Character of cough:
      • Violent dry incessant fatiguing cough.
      • Hoarse barking cough with tickling sensation. Hoarse, barking cough, in attacks, every night at 11 P.M. and at 2 and 5 A.M. (children).
      • Dry, teasing cough, preventing sleep.
      • Touching the throat-pit brings on the cough.
      • Cough with pain behind the sternum.
      • Involuntary urine with cough, involuntary stool with cough. In women, every fit of coughing produces the passage of a few drops of urine.
      • The most violent cough occurs a few moments after lying down and at night, in some cases, complete aphonia.
      • Tenacious mucus in throat or larynx, constant desire to hawk.
    • Character of sputa:
      • Usually there is no expectoration but sometimes in the first stage there is thin watery, frothy expectoration; later it becomes yellowish thick, tough and tenacious; stringy, so ropy
    • Modalities:
        • The patient is extremely sensitive to open air even changing air or room brings s on cough.
        • Slightest inhalation of cold air.
        • Worse especially in the morning on walking or at 11pm.
        • Worse touch or pressure on the throat or larynx
        • After lying down especially on left side.
    o       From warmth, keeping the mouth cover to exclude cold air, covering the body warmly.


    The stomach will not digest food, or only the, simplest food; the mucous membrane of the stomach is affected by this remedy like other mucous membranes.
    • Fullness in the stomach which rises to throat and triggers coughing.
    • Cannot tolerate meat; it causes eructation, pruritus.
    • Jaundice after excessive use of alcoholics.
    • Chronic gastritis; aching pain in pit of stomach and shooting in the chest; extends towards the throat-pit,
    • Worse any motion or talking. Pain in left breast after meals; flatulence.
    • Aching pain in the pit of stomach gradually becoming very severe; sharp stitching pains in stomach extending into chest, and below a sensation of pressure like a lump in pit of stomach, sometimes rising up under sternum, greatly aggravated from motion and somewhat from taking a long breath; generally aggravated after eating, ameliorated by lying perfectly quiet.
    • The stomach feels sore, aggravated by talking, walking, inhaling cold air; wants warm things. Very flatulent; full of flatulent pains; pains relieved (Carbo veg.) by belching and passing flatus. Stomach and abdominal pains aggravated by talking, irregular, breathing; must sit in a chair and breathe with perfect regularity. Irregular breathing will cause cough or suffocation.
    • Diarrhoea early in morning from 5to 10am.
    • Driving him out of bed early in the morning.      
    • Serious attack of diarrhea in an old man of seventy, after failure of Sulphur.
    • Before Stool there is sudden urging pain in abdomen.
    • In the morning hurried to stool like Sulphur.
    • Stools, painless, offensive, profuse; brown or black, thin or watery; preceded by pain in abdomen; before stool sudden urging, driving him out of bed in morning."
    • Brown, watery diarrhoea, chiefly in morning, having stools from 5 to 9 A.M.
    • Modalities: aggravation from motion and in the morning.

    • Intense itching of skin; itching of various parts especially lower extremities. Urticaria; contagious prurigo.
    • Modalities:Aggravation from cold, when undressing, uncovering or exposure to cold air. Amelioration: By covering the parts.

    General modalities

    Aggravation: In evening, from inhaling cold air; left chest; uncovering.
    Amelioration: By covering the parts

    Relationship—Antidote by Bell,Camph
    Dose.--Third to sixth potency

    K.N. Mathur
    S.K. Dubey
    Roger Morison
    H.C. Allen

    Wednesday 20 April 2011

    Rumex crispus

              Rumex crispus

    A variable, native, erect perennial flowering plant.

    Synonym: Curly Dock, Yellow Dock, Sour Dock, Narrow Dock

    Botanical name: Rumex crispus L.

    Medicinal name: Rumex crispus

    Parts use: leaves  

    Kingdom: Plantae

    Order: Caryophyllales

    Family: Polygonaceae
    Genus: Rumex

    Species: R. crispus

    Flowering: April - May.

            Rumex crispus

    Habitat: Fields, roadsides, railroads, waste ground, disturbed sites.

    Origin: native to Europe and Western Asia.

    Colour: The mature plant is a reddish brown colour.

    Stems: 2m tall, simple or branching at the apex, erect, from a big taproot, herbaceous, glabrous, ribbed, becoming red with age.

    Leaves: Leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate with cuneate or subcordate base, margins strongly undulate. The leaves of this plant from which the drug is poetized are found to contain bin oxalate of potash.

    Drug action: mucus membrane of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles.

    Sunday 17 April 2011

    Cell and tissue

    animal cell
        The cells come from the latin word “cella” which means a chamber. The living matters are composed of so many structural units or chambers.

    Cell is a microscopic unit of living matter, which is a mass of protoplasm containing a nucleus or nuclear material.

    Cell is fundamental structure and functional unit of biological structure and physical of unit of life.

           It comes from latin word “texera” which means to weave.

    A tissue is a collection of similar type of cell and associated intracellular substance that specialized in a common direction and performing a definite function.

    • Muscular tissue
    • Nervous tissue
    • Epithelial tissue
    • Connective tissue

    Saturday 16 April 2011

    Homoeopathic Medicine supply online

    We supply best quality of homoeopathic medicine, homoeopathic sofware,  corks etc.(only for Bangladesh) if you need please contact us.

    Question of 1st professional B.H.M.S. Exam of Dhaka University

    Question of Anatomy 1st paper (2008-2006)

    1)      Define cell. Draw and level a typical human cell. 09, 07
         b. Give the parts of human cell with figure. 06
    2)      Describe cell membrane and mitochondria. 07
    3)      Give the function of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. 06
    4)      What is nucleus? What is chromosome? 08
    5)      What are cell organells? 08
    6)      Give short note on endoplasmic reticulum. 08
    7)      What is chromatin? Give its function. 06
    8)      What are the types of cell division? Describe prophase 1 of first mitotic cell division. 06
    9)      What do you mean by horizontal, median, sagital and frontal plane? 06
    10)  Describe chromosome in brief. 07
    11)  Give the difference between mitosis and meiosis. 07
    12)  Describe different stages of mitosis with diagram. 09, 08
    13)  Define cell membrane .write structures of cell membrane with diagram. 09
    14)  What is gland classify different types of gland with diagram. 08
    15)  What are the germ layers? Mention derivatives of Ectoderm. 08, 07, 06
    16)  a. Define synovial joint. Write down the characteristic of synovial joint. 09
                   b. Draw and level typical synovial joint. 07, 06
    17)  Classify bone with example. 09
    18)  Mention blood supply of long bone. 09, 07
    19)  Classify joint (06) with example. 09
    20)  Classify synovial joint with example. 07
    21)  Draw and level intervertibral joint and write its different functions. 07
    22)  Write down the bones of lower limb. Draw and level a femur. 06
    23)  Describe a typical thoracic vertebra with figure. 06
    24)  Write down the peculiarities of clavicle. 06
    25)  Give the composition and function of bone. 09, 07
    26)  Give the parts of growing bone with figure. 07, 06
    27)  Write in short about intervertibral disc. 09
    28)  Name the quadriceps and hamstrings muscles with nerve supply.07
    29)  What are the hamstrings muscles? Give their origin, insertions, nerve supply and actions. 08
    30)  Write the origin insertion and action of following muscles: (any three) a. biceps brachii 09, 07, 06   b. deltoid 09, 07  c. pectoralis major 09, 07d. sartorius   09, 07, 06 e. rectus femoris 07 f. soleus 07 g. trapezius 06
    31)  Write the origin, insertions, nerve supply and action of rectus abdominis muscles. 09
    32)  Name the muscles of mastication (06) with their function. 09
    33)  Give the difference between artery and vein. 08

    34)  Give the muscles of anterior abdominal wall. 09 and describe rectus abdominis in short. 07
    35)  What is hip joint formed. What type of joint it is? Give its functions. 08
    36)  Define and classify tissue. 09, 07
    37)  Define tissue. Draw and level different type of connective tissue. 08 Write down the types of connective tissue and connective tissue cells. 07
    38)  Classify connective tissue. 08
    39)  Give the characteristic of connective tissue.
    40)  Classify epithelial tissue. Write it function. 09, 07
    41)  Differentiate epithelial tissue and connective tissue. 09
    42)  Name the location where simple columnar epithelium is found. 08
    43)  Give the characteristic of epithelium. 06
    44)  Classify muscular tissue with example. 07
    45)  Differentiate among the muscular tissue 07
    46)  Define rectus sheath? Give the boundary and contents. 08
    47)  Mention the layers of skin with figures. 08
    48)  Define ovulation and fertilization .07

    49)  Write short notes:

    ·        Volkmann’s canal 08
    ·        Typical rib 08
    ·        D. N. A 08, 07, 06
    ·        Intervertibral disc 08, 06
    ·        Fertilization 08
    ·        Suture 06
    ·        Hyaline cartilage 06
    ·        Haversion system 06
    ·        Muscles of mastication 07
    ·        Cell division 07
    ·        Bone marrow  09,07
    ·        Transpyloric plane 09, 07
    ·        Transpyloric plane 07

    Md. Wahiduzzaman Himel
    20th batch of GHMC
    Mobile:  01719390720

    Question of final professional B.H.M.S. Exam of Dhaka University


    1.      Define surgery. 97.
    2.      Write down the fields of surgery in homoeopathic medical science. 99.
    3.      What are the aims and objects of surgery in Homoeopathy? 97.
    4.      What are the differences between homoeopathic and allopathic conception of surgery? 97.

    1.      Define haemorrhage? 98, 01, 04.
    2.      Mention the different types of haemorrhage? 98, 01 04.
    3.      How can you assess the clinical condition of a patient suffering from haemorrhage? 98.
    4.      Write down the management of haemorrhage. 04.

    1.      Define shock. 95, 98, 00, 01.
    2.      What are the types of shock? 00, 01.
    3.      What are the causes of shock? 95.
    4.      What are the clinical features of shock? 00, 01.
    5.      Describe the management of the shock. 98.
    6.      Describe the management of hypovolaemic shock. 01


    1.      Define sepsis? 06
    2.      What is Blood? 06
    3.      What are the indications of blood transfusion? 98, 02, 05. 06
    4.      What are the hazards / complication of blood transfusion? 96, 99, 01, 05.
    5.      Name some viral disease / disease transmitted by blood transfusion. 00, 02.
    6.      Write the clinical features of a patient with blood transfusion. What measures will you take immediately? 01.
    7.      What are the measures will you take before blood transfusion? 05.
    8.      Write down the precaution and contraindication of blood transfusion? 06
    9.      What is universal donar and recipent? 06
    10.  Write down the sign symptoms of mis-matched blood transfusion? 06


    1.      What are the indications of surgery in head injury? 98.
    2.      Describe in short the complications of head injury. 98.
    3.      Describe the management of a patient of chest injury. 00.


    1.      What are the difference between burn and scald? 98, 00, 02.
    2.      How do you estimate the extent of burn in a burn patient? Or describe the Rule of nine. 95, 98, 00. 06
    3.      What are the complications of burn? 00, 02.
    4.      Describe the management of burns. 95.

    1.      Define abscess, cellulites, boil, and carbuncle. 00.
    2.      Define gangrene. 00.
    3.      what is the different between dry and moist gangrene? 00, 02.
    4.      What are the aetiological features of burgers disease? How you manage and treat a case of burgers disease? 00.


    1.      Define sterilization; Mention its types. 96, 99. 01.
    2.      What are the different methods if sterilization. 96, 01.
    3.      How will you sterilize a knife, clothes and sponge holding forceps? Between autoclaving and boil. 01.


    1.      Define fracture of bone. 98.
    2.      Classify / type of fracture. Or state the radiological classification of fracture. 96, 99, 00, 01, 02.
    3.      Write in brief the clinical features and diagnosis of fracture. 98.
    4.      Give an outline of the treatment of fracture. 98.
    5.      Describe the management of an open fracture in lower limb. 96.
    6.      Write down the management of closed type fracture of femur. 99.
    7.      Mention the (immediate) complications of fracture. 99, 02, 05.
    8.      Describe the causes of non-union and delayed union. 05.
    9.      Describe the factors influencing the healing of fracture. 05.
    10.  Write down the management of compound fracture. 05.
    11.  State some factors responsible for delayed and nonunion of fracture. 01, 05.
    12.  Mention the management of supra condylar fracture. 02.
    13.  Write down the aetiology and sign / symptoms of acute osteomyelitis. 02
    14.  Write down the laboratory investigation and management of acute osteomyelitis. 02.
    15.  Describe the management of collies fracture. 99.
    16.  What are the difference between fracture and dislocation? 99.
    17.  What are the different causes of dislocation of bones of the limbs? How to manage it. 97.
    18.  Describe the pathology of osteomyelitis. 04.
    19.  Describe the investigations and complication of acute osteomyelitis. 04.
    20.  Describe the clinical features and treatment of pyogenic chronic osteomyelitis. 04.
    21.  Classify fracture of bone. Describe the healing of fracture of bone. 04.
    22.  Describe the local treatment of fracture. 04.
    23.  Write down the clinical features and treatment and complications of supracondylar fracture of humerus. 04.
    24.  What is bone tumor? Classify it. 05. 06
    25.  Describe the common sites and pathology of osteosarcoma. 05 .06
    26.  Describe the clinical features and treatment of osteosarcoma. 05.
    27.  Describe the clinical feature and common site of metastasis of osteosarcoma? 06
    28.  Write down the signs, symptoms and management of bone fracture. 03.
    29.  Write down the mechanism and clinical features of the fracture of shaft of the femur. 03.
    30.  Write down the complications of collies fracture. 03.
    31.  What are the causes of disc prolapsed of vertebral column? Write down its management. 03.
    32.  Write down the causes and pathology of acute osteomylitis. 03.
    33.  Write down the signs, symptoms and treatment of acute osteomyelitis. 03.


    1.      What are differences between benign and malignant tumor. 02.
    2.      Define neoplasm. What are the different modes of spread of cancer? 02.
    3.      Name different parts of nervous system. 97.
    4.      How to treat a case of brain tumor? What are the different types of brain tumors? 97.


    1.      Write the clinical feature of acute breast abscess. 02.
    2.      Classify breast tumors. 94.
    3.      Write down the classification of breast cancer? 06
    4.      What are the stages of breast cancer? 01.
    5.      Mention the different mode of spread of breast cancer. 00.
    6.      What are the cardinal sign of breast cancer? Describe the clinical features of breast cancer. 94, 01, 02.
    7.      Write down the laboratory diagnosis of breast cancer. Or what are the investigations you have to do the diagnosis a case of breast cancer? 01, 02, 03.06
    8.      Write the causes of abnormal discharge from the nipple. 00.
    9.      Describe the fibro adenoma of the breast. 98.
    10.  Discuss the treatment of breast cancer. 94, 96, 03.
    11.  Write down the complications of breast cancer. 03.
    12.  Define carcinoma. 04.
    13.  What are the primary and secondary sites of metastasis? 04.
    14.  Write down the management of carcinoma breast. 04.


    1.      What are the sites of peptic ulcer? 96, 03.
    2.      What do you mean by peptic ulcer? 03.
    3.      Describe the aetiology of peptic ulcer. 98.
    4.      What are the clinical features of peptic ulcer? 99, 04.
    5.      What are the investigations to be done to diagnose peptic ulcer. 98.
    6.      Describe the complications of peptic ulcer.(chronic)98, 04.06
    7.      Write down the management of peptic ulcer perforation. 04.
    8.      Describe the different stages of clinical features of peptic ulcer perforation. 98.
    9.      What are the abdominal findings of a patient of peptic ulcer perforation? 96.
    10.  What are the indications of surgery of peptic ulcer? 99.
    11.  What are the complications of peptic ulcer surgery? 99.
    12.  Describe the aetiology of gastric ulcer.
    13.  Describe the signs and treatment of gastric ulcer.
    14.  Write down the clinical features of duodenal ulcer. 99, 03.
    15.  Describe the clinical features of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 95, 96.
    16.  Mention the investigation of duodenal ulcer. 99.
    17.  Write down the causes and pathology of chronic duodenal ulcer. 03, 05. 06
    18.  Write down the clinical features and investigations of chronic duodenal ulcer. 05.
    19.  Write down the clinical features and treatment of pyloric stenosis. 05.06
    20.  Mention the differences between the clinical features of duodenal and gastric ulcer. 03.
    21.  Write down the treatment and complications of chronic duodenal ulcer.03.
    22.  Write down the clinical feature and pathology of PUD? 06


    1.      Numerate the aetiology and clinical features of acute pancreatitis. 02.
    2.      Write down the management of acute pancreatitis. 02.
    3.      Clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. 02, 06

    1.      Classify cholelithiasis. 99.
    2.      What do you mean by cholecystitis? 99.
    3.      How will you diagnose a case of acute cholecystitis? 97, 99.
    4.      Describe the clinical features of acute cholecystitis. 94, 03.06
    5.      Mention the pathology of acute cholecystitis. 03.
    6.      What are the routine pre – anesthetic investigations to be done before cholecystectomy operation? 01.
    7.      What are the effects and complications of gall bladder stone? 99, 01.
    8.      Write down the sign / symptoms of gallstones. 05.
    9.      Describe the investigations of gallstones. 05.
    10.  Write down the surgical treatment of cholelithiasis. 05.
    11.  Write down the causes and treatment of gallstone. 03.
    12.  How will you differentiate acute cholecystitis from acute duodenal ulcer? 06


    1.      What are the causes of renal obstruction?


    1.      Define intestinal obstruction? Mention their types. 94, 05.
    2.      Describe its pathology. 05.
    3.      What are the causes of intestinal obstructions? 96, 01.
    4.      Describe the clinical features of intestinal obstruction. 98.
    5.      How to treat and manage a case of intestinal obstruction? 94, 96.
    6.      Describe the clinical features and investigations of acute intestinal obstruction. 05.
    7.      Write down the differences between the clinical features of large intestinal obstruction and small intestinal obstruction. 05.

    1.      Write down the different anatomical positions of appendix? 97.
    2.      What do you mean by acute appendicitis? 99.
    3.      How you diagnose and treat a case of acute appendicitis. 00, 02, 03
    4.      Describe the clinical features of acute appendicitis. 97, 02, 03. 06
    5.      Cause of acute appendicitis. 03.
    6.      What do you mean by appendicular mass? Write its treatment. 03.
    7.      Describe the treatment of appendicular lump.
    8.      How you will differentiate acute appendicitis from UTI? 06
    9.      Write down the investigation and specific treatment of acute appendicitis? 06
    10.  What are the complication of acute of appendicitis? 06


    1.      What are the causes of bleeding per rectum? 94, 98.
    2.      What are the causes of haematemesis and melaena? 97.
    3.      What is a haemorrhoid? What are the types? Write down the complications. 97.
    4.      Define fistula. Describe on short about types and treatment of fistula. 00.
    5.      Define sinus and fistula. Mention at best eight causes for the persistence of fistula in ano. 95.


    1.      Describe the causes of obstructive jaundice. 97.
    2.      Describe the clinical features of obstructive jaundice. 97.

    1.      What is hernia? Classify hernia. 98, 00, 04 .06
    2.      What are the complications of a hernia? 95, 97.
    3.      Give the clinical features of strangulated inguinal hernia. 00, 04,
    4.      How you will you treat such a case? 00, 04
    5.      Write in brief the clinical feature of indirect inguinal hernia. 98, 04.
    6.      Write down the treatment of indirect inguinal hernia. 98.


    1.      What is epistaxis? Describe its cause? 97.
    2.      What do you know about atrophic rhinitis?
    3.      Describe in short the causes and pathology of bronchogenic carcinoma. 04.
    4.      Describe the clinical features of bronchogenic carcinoma. 04.
    5.       Describe the investigations and treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma. 04.
    6.      Write down the management of lung cancer? 06


    1.      What is pneumothorax? Mention its causes with classification. 02.
    2.      How will a patient with open type pneumothorax present to you? 01.
    3.      Describe the clinical features and management of tension pneumothorax. 98.
    4.      Define pneumothorax. Write down its causes and pathology. 03, 05.
    5.      Write down the clinical features of pneumothorax. 03, 05.
    6.      Write down the investigations and treatment of pneumothorax. 03, 05.
    7.      Write down the management of lung cancer. 03.


    1.      Write down the causes of nasal polyp. 02.
    2.      Classify nasal polyp and its management. 95, 96, 02.
    3.      Describe its clinical features. 98.
    4.      Mention the causes of sinusitis and management. 02.
    5.      What are the causes of nasal septum deviation? 01.
    6.      How will a patient with DNS present to you? 01.
    7.      Describe the clinical feature and treatment of DNS. 96.
    8.      Write the complication such a case. 01.


    1.      What is tracheostomy? What are the indications of tracheostomy? 94, 96.
    2.      What are the postoperative complaints of tracheostomy? 94.
    3.      What are the causes of tonsillitis? Mention its types. 99.
    4.      Write down the clinical features of acute tonsillitis. 94, 99.
    5.      Motion the treatment of chronic tonsillitis. 99.
    6.      What are the complications of recurrent tonsillitis? 96.
    7.      What are the complications of tonsillectomy? 98.
    8.      Write down the difference between follicular tonsillitis and faucial diphtheria. 96, 97.
    9.      What is dysphagia? Describe the causes of dysphagia.
    10.  What are the causes of hoarseness of voice?
    11.  What are the causes of thyroid swelling? Investigation you will in case of thyroid swelling? 06

    1.      Describe the signs of chronic supportive otitis media?
    2.      What are the complications of chronic supportive otitis media?
    3.      Describe its treatment.


    Wound. 04.
    Scald. 04.
    Gangrene. 04.
    Abscess. 04.06
    Cellulitis. 06
    Berger's disease.06
    Lump. 04.
    Shock. 03.
    Haemorrhoid. 05.
    Burn. 05.
    Osteomyelitis. 05.
    Blood transfusion. 03.
    Sterilization 03.
    Pneumothorax. 06
    Breast Abscess. 06