Friday 30 September 2011


1. Nutrition may be defined as the science of food and is relationship to health. It is concerned primarily with the part played by nutrients in body growth.
2. Nutrition is the process whereby living organisms utilize food for maintenance of life, growth, the normal functioning of tissues and organs and, the production of energy. 

Criteria of good nutrition:
1. It should protect the body from infection.
2. It should protect the body from deficiency diseases.
3. It should protect the body from obesity.
4. It should help in making a good complexion. e.g.,  clean skin, bright eyes.
5. It should help in building of body and make the person energetic.


            Nutrients are the constituents in food that must be supplied to the body in suitable amounts.
            Nutrients include water, proteins and amino acids. fats and fatty acids, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
Divisions of nutrients:
            i) Macronutrients. These are proteins. fats and carbohydrates which are often called “Proximate principles” because they form the main bulk of food.
            ii) Micronutrients. These are vitamins and minerals. They are called micronutrients because they are required in small amounts (from a fraction of a milligram to several grams) .


Sunday 25 September 2011

Xerophthalmia (Nutritional blindness)

Literally, xerophthalmia means ‘disease of the dry eye’ .The term xerophthalmia refers to all the ocular manifestations of vitamin A deficiency, form night blindness to complete corneal destruction.

Ocular changes due to vit.A deficiency
            1. Night blindness.
            2. Conjunctival xerosis.
            3. Bitot’s spots.
            4. Corneal xerosis.
            5. Corneal scar:
            6. Corneal ulceration/ keratomalacia

Thursday 22 September 2011

List of Private Medical Colleges of Bangladesh: (Alphabetically arranged):

1. Addin Women Medical College.

2. Anwer Khan Modern Medical College.

3. Bangladesh Medical College [BMC],
House 35, R-14/A (New), Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209
Ph: 011-880-2-912-0792 Fax: 011-880-2-912-5655  Email: 

4. BGC Trust Medical College.

5.Chittagong Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College.

7. Community Based Medical Colleges, Bangladesh.

9. Dhaka Community Medical College.

10. Dhaka National Medical College.

11.Durre Samad Rahman Red Crescent Womens Medical College. Sylhet (currently not operating)

13.Eastern Medical College & Hospital Ltd.

15. Enam Medical College [EMC]
9/3 Parbarti Nagar, Thana Road, Savar,
Dhaka-1340 Ph : 7713779, 7710364, 7711560,

16. Gonosastha Samajvittik Dental College.

17. Gono Bishwabidyalay, Savar, Dhaka

19. Holy Family Red Cresent Medical College [HFRCMC],
1 Eskaton Garden Road, Eskaton, Dhaka-1000
Ph : 9353031, 8313234 

21. Ibrahim Medical College.

23. Islami Bank Medical College, Rajshahi.

24. Jahurul Islam Medical College, Kishoregonj.

25. Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College,
Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya College Road, Panthantula, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Ph : 880-821-719-090-6 Fax : 880-821-719-096 

27. Kumudini Nursing College.

28. Kumudinin Women’s Medical College.

30. Medical College for Women and Hospital [MCWH],
Plot-4, Road-8 & 9, Sector-1 & also Plot-2, Road-15, Sector-1,
Ph: 8913939, 8916005 Email : 

33. North East Medical College. Shylet

36. Potenga Medical College & Hospital.

37. Popular Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

39. Rangpur Community Medical College

41. Samaj Vittik Medical College, Mirzanagar, Savar, dhaka-1344

44. Southern Medical College, Chittagong

45. State College of Health Sciences Bangladesh.
Sylhet Womens Medical College,
Mirboxtula,Sylhet, Bangladesh
Ph : 0821-2830040/813145
Email : 

48. Uttara Adhunik Medical College.

49. Zainul Haque Sikder Women's Medical College & Hospital
Monica estate, Western dhanmondi Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
Ph: 880-2-811-5951 Fax: 880-2-811-5965


Horse Chestnut
The action of this drug is most marked on the lower bowel, producing engorged hæmorrhoidal veins, with characteristic backache, with absence of actual constipation. Much pain but little bleeding. Venous stasis general, varicose veins of purple color; everything is slowed down, digestion, heart, bowels, etc. Torpor and congestion of the liver and portal system, with constipation. The back aches and gives out and unfits the patient for business. Flying pains all over. Fullness in various parts, dry, swollen mucous membranes. Throat with hæmorrhoidal conditions.
Head.--Depressed and irritable. Head dull, confused, aching as from a cold. Pressure in forehead, with nausea, followed by stitches in right hypochondrium. Pain from occiput to frontal region, with bruised sensation of the scalp; worse in the morning. Neuralgic stitches from right to left through forehead, followed by flying pains in epigastrium. Vertigo when sitting and walking.
Eyes.--Heavy and hot, with lachrymation, with enlarged blood vessels. Eyeballs sore.
Nose.--Dry; inspired air feels cold, nasal passages sensitive to it. Coryza, sneezing. Pressure at root of nose. Membrane over turbinate bones distended and boggy, dependent upon hepatic disorders.
Mouth.--Scalded feeling. Metallic taste. Salivation. Tongue thickly coated, feels as if scalded.
Throat.--Hot, dry, raw, stitching pain into ears when swallowing. Follicular pharyngitis connected with hepatic congestion. Veins in pharynx distended and tortuous. Throat sensitive to inspired air; feels excoriated and constricted, burns like fire on swallowing, in afternoon. Early stages of atrophic pharyngitis in dried-up, bilious subjects. Hawking of ropy mucus of sweetish taste.
Stomach.--Weight of a stone, with gnawing, aching pain; most manifest about three hours after meals. Tenderness and fullness in region of liver.
Abdomen.--Dull aching in liver and epigastrium. Pain at umbilicus. Jaundice; throbbing in hypogastrium and pelvis.
Rectum.--Dry, aching. Feels full of small sticks. Anus raw, sore. Much pain after stool, with prolapse. Hæmorrhoids, with sharp shooting pains up the back; blind and bleeding; worse during climacteric. Large, hard, dry stools. Mucous membrane seems swollen and obstructs the passage. Irritation caused by ascarides and aids their expulsion. Burning in anus with chills up and down back.
Urinary.--Frequent, scant, dark, muddy, hot urine. Pain in kidneys, especially left and ureter.
Male.--Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool.
Female.--Constant throbbing behind symphysis pubis. Leucorrhœa, with lameness of back across the sacro-iliac articulation; dark yellow, sticky corroding; worse after menses.
Chest.--Feels constricted. Heart's action full and heavy, can feel pulsations all over. Laryngitis; coughs depending on hepatic disorders; hot feeling in chest; pain around heart in hæmorrhoidal subjects.
Extremities.--Aching and soreness in limbs, in left acromion process with shooting down arms; finger tips numb.
Back.--Lameness in neck; aching between shoulder blades; region of spine feels weak; back and legs give out. Backache affecting sacrum and hips; worse walking or stooping. When walking feet turn under. Soles feel sore, tired, and swell. Hands and feet swell, and become red after washing, feel full.
Fever.--Chill at 4 pm. Chilliness up and down back. Fever 7 to 12 pm. Evening fever, skin hot and dry. Sweat profuse and hot with the fever.
Modalities.--Worse, in morning on awaking, and from any motion, walking; from moving bowels; after eating, afternoon, standing. Better, cool open air.
Relationship.--Aesculus glabra-Ohio-Buckeye Proctitis. Very painful, dark purple, external hæmorrhoids, with constipation and vertigo and portal congestion. Speech thick, tickling in throat, impaired vision, paresis. Phytolacca (throat dry, more often in acute cases). Negundium Americanum--Box-elder--(Engorgements of rectum and piles with great pain, ten-drop doses of tincture every two hours). Compare also: Aloe, Collinson. Nux. Sulphur.
Dose.--Tincture, to third potency.
by William BOERICKE, M.D.


Food : Food is a composite mixture of substances which when consumed performs certain functions in the body.

Food stuff :
            Anything which can be used as food.

Proximate principles of food:
1. Proteins,
2. Fats, and
3. Carbohydrates.

Constituents of food:
1. Proteins
2. Fats
3. Carbohydrates.
4. Vitamins
5. Minerals, and
6. Water.

Function of food:
1. Yields energy
2. Helps in building and maintaining the body
3. Protects the body from various diseases
4. Regulates the tissue functions

Classification of foods : Foods are classified in different ways. 

1. Classification by predominant function
i. Energy yielding foods : These are foods rich in carbohydrate         and fat, e.g., cereals, sugar, roots, tubers, rice, wheat, potatoes etc.
 ii. Body building foods : These are foods rich in
 proteins,  e.g. egg, meat, milk, liver, fish, pulses,
oilseed cakes.

2. Classification by origin :
                                I.            Foods of animal origin
                             II.            Foods of vegetable origin.

3. Classification by chemical composition.
i. Proteins
ii. Fats
iii. Carbohydrates
iv. Minerals.
4. Classification by nutritive value :
i. Cereals and millets.
ii. Pulses (legumes) and etc.
iii. Vegetables
iv. Nuts and oilseeds
v.  Fruits
vi. Animal foods
vii. Fats and oils
viii. Sugar and jaggery