Sunday 20 March 2011

Tips to prevent pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites chemicals and inhaled pollutants. The disease is extremely dangerous and life threatening, especially if those affected are young, elderly or those who are suffering from chronic diseases.
Here are some tips on how to avoid pneumonia: 
  • Cover up coughs, use your elbow or with a throw away tissue. Do not use your hands.
  • Wash hands frequently especially after using the restroom, after changing baby’s diaper, before and after – preparing food or eating and after sneezing or blowing your nose out.
  • Avoid smoking since smokers are at a higher risk for pneumonia and other lung disorders than nonsmokers. Stay away from second hand smoke as well. Also, don’t get yourself in crowded and smoke-filled environment.
  • Eat a healthy diet that includes foods that are rich in antioxidants. Recommended foods include fresh fruits and vegetables that are dark in color including blueberries, cranberries, eggplant and pomegranates.
  • Take vitamin D and get some natural sunlight.
  • Improve your lung capacity through exercise, including brisk walking and aerobics. Staying healthy may help keep your lungs strong and more resistant to infection.
  • Keep vigal wipe down on all doorknobs, phones, cell phones, refrigerator doors, faucets, game controls, computer keyboards, light switches, the microwave and the number one germ monster in the house…TV remotes.
  • Never forget to weak a face mask when working with harmful substances. Make sure you are protected when dealing with chemicals, asbestos and other materials that produce dust. Pneumonia can come your waty when you accidentally inhale them.
  • Take extra precaution when handling materials that have bird or bat droppings. They may not be easily seen but most of them can be hidden in ledges an sills. Fungi that can cause pneumonia thrive on these droppings so beware. Disinfect immediately if you feel you have touched them. Becareful with rat droppings too as they can cause a fatl form of flu.
  • Germs are able to fly out of your lungs at 600 mph when you cough or sneeze. They are the Superman of germs, they cover a lot of territory in search of innocent, unsuspecting victims.
  • Do not shake hands. Instead, try to greet friends with a big smile and hello and say goodbye with a cheerful hand wave or blow them a kiss goodbye.
  • Be aware that the pneumonia vaccine should be given to all infants under two years old. The vaccination should start at two months of age, and recur every two months. At 12 to 15 months, a booster dose should be given to complete the vaccination.
Now, do not forget to exercise, eat well, have plenty of chicken soup, stop smoking, take Vitamins C, Vitamin D and zinc, and get out in the sun to get some natural Vitamin D. That is why they call Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin.

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